Student Organizations
High school is an opportunity to form friendships that will last a lifetime. From performing arts to robotics, service organizations to sports, St. Dominic offers many ways to meet friends who share your interests.
Our students have the opportunity to try a number of activities without being lost in the crowd. With 1,028 students, St. Dominic is large enough to offer programs to suit any interest, but small enough that each student is known and valued as an individual.
Explore St. Dominic's clubs and organizations:
- AD Club
- Ambassadors
- Book Club
- Bowling Club
- Chamber Choir
- Concert Band
- Concert Choir
- Country Line Dancing Club
- CRU (Christ Renews Us)
- Crusader Nation News
- Culture Club
- Fall Play
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- French Club
- Future Business Leaders of America
- Gaming Club
- Glamourgals
- Horticulture Club
- iSquad Team
- Jazz Band
- Marvel Crusaders Unite
- Math Team
- Mixed Chorus
- Mock Trial
- Model United Nations
- Music INC (In the Name of Christ)
- National Art Honor Society
- National Honor Society
- Outreach Club
- Peer Ministers
- Pep Band
- Photography Club
- Pit Band
- Pro-Life Club
- Robotics Team
- Spanish Club
- Spring Musical
- Viri Dei (Men of God)
- Writers Guild
- Yearbook
- Youth and Government