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House System

Students in orange cheering

Launched in 2020, St. Dominic's house system connects students across all grade levels. The six houses provide a structure for student life activities, with houses engaging in friendly competition to win "house points." The house system is designed to strengthen the St. Dominic community at a deeper level, breaking down natural barriers to bring together students who might not normally have a connection.


House Symbols

House Caritas (Love)

Patron: Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Color: Orange

Motto: Dum spiro spero (While I breathe, I hope)

Symbols: The rose is a universal symbol of love and passion – two virtues Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati worked to express throughout his life. The trinity knots are a symbol for eternal love. The eight white stripes on the top of the shield represent the eight beatitudes, another symbol of Jesus’ love through teaching.

House Dignitas (Dignity)

Patron: St. Margaret of Hungary

Color: Black

Motto: Quoque et in temporibus omnibus (Everyone and all the time)

Symbols: The heart and hands symbolize dignity. The crown represents St. Margaret of Hungary because she was a princess but chose the dignity associated with the life of a nun. The lilies are also among her symbols. The moon and stars represent the 72 straight hours that St. Margaret of Hungary often spent praying.

House Gaudium (Joy)

Patron: St. Catherine of Siena

Color: Yellow

Motto: Semper eligente gaudium (Always choose joy)

Symbols: The sun is a symbol of joy. The ladder represents the bridge between heaven and earth and the joy that journey brings. The dove is the symbol of St. Catherine of Siena, as well as the Holy Spirit. The crown of thorns represents the idea that there is joy in suffering, a lesson St. Catherine of Siena and many other Catholic saints learned. 

House Gratia (Grace)

Patron:  Blessed John of Fiesole (Blessed Fra Angelico)

Color: Green

Motto: Corda gratiarum abundand (Hearts of grace abound)

Symbols: The paint brush on the shield represents Blessed John of Fiesole (Blessed Fra Angelico) because he was an Italian artist. The flower is the national flower of Italy. The ribbon symbolizes House unity, and the Justice Balance symbolizes helping others within the greater community. The swirl represents the everlasting appreciation and gratitude needed to show true grace. 

House Temperentia (Temperence)

Patron: St. Thomas Aquinas

Color: Purple

Motto: Bonitas praevalet per moderationem (Goodness prevails through moderation)

Symbols: The scale symbolizes temperance and the benefit of living a balanced life. The book represents St. Thomas Aquinas, who was passionate about education. The ox and chalice represent the strength of St. Thomas Aquinas and the strength necessary to live a life of moderation. The monstrance is in the center as we work to make Christ the center of our lives.

House Virtus (Courage)

Patron: St. John of Cologne

Color: Maroon

Motto: Ambula in vestigiis Dei (Walk in the footsteps of God)

Symbols: The lion represents courage. The two palm branches represent St. John of Cologne, as he is often depicted holding a palm of martyrdom. Since St. John of Cologne was a martyr, the red of the shield represents the blood shed by him and all Catholic martyrs. The crown is also a symbol of martyrdom and the courage required to be a martyr.


Nathan Tock

Nathan Tock

Assistant Principal for Student Life

Twitter: @StDominichs

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