St. Dominic Guzman Society

Statue of St. Dominic Guzman

The St. Dominic Guzman Society is a group of esteemed benefactors whose generosity is vital to preserving the future of our school.

St. Dominic Guzman Society bequests and other estate gifts (life insurance, annuities, stock, trusts, etc.) are placed in the school's endowment fund, unless otherwise directed by the donor.

The fund earns interest, which in turn provides income to SDHS in perpetuity.

Do you already qualify for Society membership?

If you have already included St. Dominic in your estate plans, please let us know. This helps other see how the St. Dominic community is sustaining the future of our school, and it might inspire others to act.

You can notify us by email or by downloading the Planned Gift Statement of Intent and mailing the completed form.

Notify UsDownload Form

“We must sow the seed, not hoard it.”

St. Dominic Guzman


Stacie Ballard

Stacie Ballard

Director of Advancement

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