
Three students leading Mass procession
Six students kneeling in a chapel
Six high school students with a porch swing
Two boys carrying baskets of Christmas gifts
Group photo of approximately 60 students in front of a fireplace
Student group holding signs in Washington DC

Our Catholic faith is at the core of our identity at St. Dominic High School. In addition to our four-year religion curriculum and seven faith-based student organizations, the student body regularly participates in Masses, Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation services and retreats.

“I love the community that is built upon friendships and faith.”

Conner ’18


Rev. Patrick Russell

Rev. Patrick Russell

Vice President for Mission and Identity

Abby Schmittgens

Abby Schmittgens

Campus Minister
Morgan Hanson

Morgan Hanson

Campus Minister

Twitter: @StDominichs

    Campus Ministry Calendar

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