Learning Support

An open book and a stack of books sit on a table in front of a set of library shelves

Learning Consultant

The Learning Consultant provides services and accommodations for students with diagnosed learning needs. Responsibilities include reviewing diagnostic reports, developing Student Learning Profiles, and communicating with teachers, students, parents, tutors and other specialists who work with students outside the classroom. The Learning Consultant also provides one-on-one and small-group academic support, organizational assistance and study skills assistance.

Academic Advisor

Academic advisors provide individual and small-group assistance to students who need additional academic support. They serve as a resource to classroom teachers, the learning consultant and the guidance department. The academic advisors also oversee the academic probation policy and work with students on academic contracts.

Academic Lab

Academic Lab provides all students with curriculum support beyond normal school hours. Faculty and National Honor Society tutors are available at each session to help students in all subject areas. Academic Lab offers a quiet environment for students who prefer to work independently, as well as students who need to make up tests and quizzes after an absence. Academic Lab takes place in the Learning Commons before and after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

“I love the amount of help I get in everything I do. Whether in academics or sports, I always get the help I need in order to do my best.”

Adam ’21


Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson

Learning Consultant

Twitter: @StDominichs

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